Tuesday, October 16, 2007

They Have made a mess of Nuke-deal

President Bush is the most friendliest president so far for India. India should not miss this golden opportunity as it will never come again. Bush had promissed india to clear the deal in American Congress. If this deal is not going through then india will lose its credibilities in the international communities. For the lust of political power congress government should not sacrifice the fate and destiny of 1.4 Billion Indians. China is using Indian comrades to stall the deal. We all know that comrades works for the interest of China since ages. Our comrades never opposes chinese aggression in Arunanchal Pradesh and Tibet. Congress would win the election with thumping majority once the deal is sealed. The Communists are not bothered and they have to faithfully serve their bosses in Beijing. They objected to even Indo-American Joint Naval Excercises terming it as "ganging up against China". Man Mohan Singh proved that he is the weakest PM India ever had, Congress Party has proved that they are just power hungry and they would not mind selling the nation to remain in power. With our brand of politicians, we dont need enemies at our borders. God save this Nation from the Congress and Communists.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Biggest obstacle in India's Growth-POLITICIANS

OFCOURSE! the communists have undermined the cause of India! They have defeated the progress of India! and the Congress HAD NO GUTS TO STAND UP TO THEM! PEOPLE OF INDIA - remember this treachery - VOTE THE communists OUT! They have achieved what Pakistan and China would have liked! We want leaders with a vision, people who can look beyond their own selfish motivations for the betterment of India. VOTE THE COMMUNISTS OUT!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pulling back on Nuke-deal will damage our image??????

The Communists have an axe to grind against the Free World for having helped the enslaved people of the Former Communistic bloc to gain freedom. Reagan with his Start Wars, helped to give the push and the unrest of the botched attempt by Gennady Yanavev's coup against Gorbachov that led to the final shove thru the peoples revolution in Moscow that gave the USSR its much delayed burial. Now the disgruntled comrades have teamed up with their enemy's enemy ? the Islamists to gang up against the West. The only saving grace is that we had our ally Japan attend the Bandung Conference, and we have our buddy Jalal Talabani attending the Brazila summit. But they cannot influence the anti-American agenda of the Communist-Islamist bloc that is ossifying once again at Bandung and Brazila. The Commies had their WSF (World Social Forum) that was used as a yelling lobby against the West. The Commies have an "axe to grind" against the Free World, and theology inspired terrorism has been an enemy of the civilized way of life since the last 1400 years.