It is quite surprising that paid media is making us believe that India has only two option of either sit quitely or wage a full blown war.
It is not correct and There are hundreds of ways to fight war peacefully.
It is not correct and There are hundreds of ways to fight war peacefully.
Many western agencies employ covert techniques regularly around the world to avoid future wars.
Control water flow such that water never reaches when required the most. This can cripple the drinking water, agriculture, ground water etc. which fosters the jihadi factories. Pakistan's one of the reason behind wanting Kashmir is to secure its water as India is upper riparian zone for Pak rivers & India is only helping Pak by continuously supplying water to them.
Control water flow such that water never reaches when required the most. This can cripple the drinking water, agriculture, ground water etc. which fosters the jihadi factories. Pakistan's one of the reason behind wanting Kashmir is to secure its water as India is upper riparian zone for Pak rivers & India is only helping Pak by continuously supplying water to them.
Instead easiest way to stop these terror factories in POK is to scrapping Indus Water Treaty. No country gives a damn to International laws except India.
As far as Indus water treaty are concerned interests of Kashmir and Pak stand against each other, So to turn Kashmir against Pak cancelling Indus water treaty is a masterstroke.
While Indian rivers are as polluted as they can be, India is supplying clean water to Pakistan. Pakistan is not surviving on its own, an ecosystem exists in India which supports Pak, directly and indirectly. If India can get rid of destroy this eco-system, India will win half of the battle.
By the way, If Simla Agreement is not abided by Pakistan why should India care for Indus WaterTreaty?
2. IF INDUS WATER RIVER flow can't be stopped, make them as polluted as other rivers in India & dump chemical, biological, nuclear waste, why are we supplying pure water tin POK?
3. INSTALL MICROWAVE WEAPONS (psychotronic) emanating radiation in no man's land, anyone coming near will go nuts. US has done that in Iraq. Country can literally microwave anyone coming near to it with high powered microwave transmitters.
4. AN ARMY MAY STILL TRAVEL on its stomach, but a vital point of attack these days is the brain - the electronic brain. With modern warfare so dependent on computers and communications devices, high-powered microwave weapons which renders them useless could be invaluable.
to disrupt weather patterns, disturb rain, cause earthquakes, floods & other weather warfare.
to disrupt weather patterns, disturb rain, cause earthquakes, floods & other weather warfare.
In order to stop Russian missiles in the 80's a whole STARWARS antenna system was born. HAARP is High Altitude Auroral Resonance Project. That means that they can beam off satellites and send vortexes to any place on earth that they want to. They can send lasers down and melt structures out of buildings
In order to stop Russian missiles in the 80's a whole STARWARS antenna system was born. HAARP is High Altitude Auroral Resonance Project. That means that they can beam off satellites and send vortexes to any place on earth that they want to. They can send lasers down and melt structures out of buildings
HAARP ( high freq active auroral research program ) of rival camps are now being used to DOCTOR the ionosphere for military needs-- it is radio wave beaming technology which heats up areas of the ionosphere. HAARP is the largest of the so-called 'ionospheric heaters'. The ionosphere begins approximately 35 miles above the surface and extends out beyond 500 miles.
HAARP can be employed for nefarious weather modification, which can also damage the ozone layer and cause earthquakes. An electronic beam can ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere over a given area, including military targets.
Frighteningly, mankind can now tamper with weather manipulation, climate modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and brain wave manipulations using the planet's energy fields, global weather is a complex system, including air pressure and thermal systems, but also an electrical system. Because of the so-called 'butterfly effect" described in chaos theory, input of small charges get pumped up into big effects, since HAARP pulses the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable, creating greater turbulence. Complex systems, can suddenly collapse in catastrophic events. Cascades of effects could destroy the biosphere.
Fore more details pls refer the blog:
can fry every piece of electronics and can send that city to stone age. For a small country only few emp attacks would be required.
Every critical industry / workforce in India must be educated about EMP attack in an all lot war where electricity , electronics, GPS, communications, transport, water , money, refrigeration, travel, law and order, fuel, internet, hospitals, lifts, hot water , stock market, access to stored data, small children stuck in boarding schools, lack of fire control, sanitation, looting, charing batteries, etc etc is compromised or shut down completely.
Shielding from nuclear-based E1 current involves covering electronic devices with boxes or sleeves made from highly conductive metals like copper or aluminum.
Computers and other complex electronics will require something called a Faraday cage offering full shielding from stray electric currents. This applies also to shortwave radios which need to be protected before such an emergency occurs.
When war looms it is 100% sure that EMPs will be used. Here , the EMP tactical small nuke exploded over a city like Mumbai does NOT kill the citizens directly.
The Zionist Jew western govts who are jealous of India taking the world’s No 1 superpower statues will condone it as a “non-nuclear “ classical strike.
Whatever loss of life occurs will all be SECONDARY —due to our own fault—our lack of planning and perception.
In USA 90% of the people could die, over a period of a year in case there is a MASSIVE HEMP strike because they are so much bonded with electricity in their daily lives and they have vicious gangs roaming around ( like after Hurricane Katrina ).
These poor black people does NOT see the need to play by the rules any more.
Laws govern only when the Govt can enforce the law.
When money cannot buy you a packet of wheat flour why should you care?
All banking will be KAPUT. ATM machines will NOT spit out money anymore .
While the banking infrastructure was designed robustly against a wide range of threats, it was not designed to withstand a complete communications shutdown..
All NEW smart cities being developed by Modi must HARDEN the city against an HEMP attack by Pakistan.
7. EFFECT OF DU CONTMINATION from DU weapons remain for many centuries if not for million years. West has used them in many war zones of Iraq Afghanistan and may even in Syria.
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview
Depleted Uranium-The Real Dirty Bombs
can disrupt rainfall patterns. A Country can't survive more than 4-5 years of deficit rainfalls.
can disrupt rainfall patterns. A Country can't survive more than 4-5 years of deficit rainfalls.…/… Could Disrupt Rainfall Patterns
Most of Pakistan, along with northern India, also suffered long blackouts. In some cities, mobs burnt tyres and suspended traffic. TV footage showed angry protesters chanting slogans against the authorities for failure to ensure smooth power supply during the holy Muslim month of Ramazan. I am sure UP CM Akhilesh did NOT steal power from Pakistan.
Blackout trips do NOT happen by sustained heavy drawing-- but but sudden surge.
Given that rains had arrived, temperature was down in north India so there was less requirement for a power overdraw. For example, the temperature in New Delhi on 31st July was 25.4 degrees Celsius, more than ten degrees below what it had been during the peak of the summer heat. If electricity overuse was the sole cause of the power failure, because of too many people drawing power, this would have happened before now. No working ATMs made life for the common man miserable. People in high rises had no water to wash their backsides or flush the toilet.
Given that rains had arrived, temperature was down in north India so there was less requirement for a power overdraw. For example, the temperature in New Delhi on 31st July was 25.4 degrees Celsius, more than ten degrees below what it had been during the peak of the summer heat. If electricity overuse was the sole cause of the power failure, because of too many people drawing power, this would have happened before now. No working ATMs made life for the common man miserable. People in high rises had no water to wash their backsides or flush the toilet.
On the day of the collapse, Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde stated that the exact cause of the failure was unknown, but that at the time of the failure, electricity use was "above normal".
Already HAARP systems can form a curvature lens on the ionosphere , to beam a geomagnetic storm at a place of their choosing- at low latitudes
If the nuclear facility’s backup generators either fail to start, or run out of fuel, the reactor cores will start to melt down. After a few days without electricity to run the cooling system pumps, the water bath covering the spent fuel rods stored in “spent fuel ponds” will boil away, allowing the stored fuel rods to melt down and burn . Since the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) currently mandates that only one week’s supply of backup generator fuel needs to be stored at each reactor site, it is likely that after we witness the spectacular night-time celestial light show from the next extreme GMD we will have about one week in which to prepare ourselves for Armageddon.
India must start making Thorium Nuclear plants to reduce this danger. I am NOT being ahead of our times here. Since India has the worlds best Thorium reserves, theWest is tripping over each other to offer us OBSELETE Uranium powered nuclear reactors. Thorium contains 150 times more energy than Uranium and is the MOST efficient combustible. Since Thorium is only slightly radio active , it is clean with no burden of nuclear waste disposal. . A thorium-powered reactor is inherently safe. It doesn't run the risk of "meltdown" or explosion nor can even a dirty bomb be created. Its nuclear reaction simply stops when its neutron exciter is turned off.
In the case of a nuclear induced EMP, its E3 effect starts after about a half second and may continue for several minutes. The E3 effect can be thought of as a “long slow burn”, and electromagnetically it is quite similar to the effects from an extreme GMD. The main difference between the E3 from an EMP and what occurs during an extreme GMD is that the EMP effect may continue for a number of minutes, whereas the extreme GMD may continue for a number of hours or days. However, the magnitude of the induced magnetic field strengths from an EMP attack and an extreme GMD are about the same, with similar potential for causing severe damage to EHV transformers across the affected areas.
Inside the affected area, an EMP’s E3 effect would cause a similar degree of damage to the EHV transformers as that from an extreme GMD, but the E1 and E2 effects would cause far greater damage to electronic control systems than that from a GMD of similar intensity. Contrary to popular opinion, most personal electronic devices would probably survive with little or no damage, especially if they were not turned on at the moment of EMP, as would most automobiles.
However, most complex electronic systems that contained digital microchips in combination with long runs of Ethernet cables (or other interconnecting cabling) which act like antennas for receiving EMP induced voltage spikes, would experience nearly 100% failure.
A “successful” EMP attack launched would result in the immediate collapse of the power grid, and crash the stock market.
High-voltage transformers must be directly connected to the ground to neutralize power surges from lightning strikes and other transient phenomen.
Modern digital automatic electronic control systems are highly susceptible to damage from EMP. These systems include programmable logic controllers (PLC), digital control systems (DCS), and supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), all of which are absolutely critical for running factories, refineries, power plants, nuclear reactors, sewage plants, etc., as well as for diagnosing problems. This is why on our ships we do NOT do any welding without a return current cable. It is prevent corruption damage to PLCs and microprocessors -- NOT to prevent fires .
#CPEC is living example of utter failure of whole India diplomatic community. This project was there in the pipeline since many decades. Its mysterious why India never took back POK in 1971. And now they are scrambling another round of diplomatic circles.
Pak diplomats have done much better job of securing their countries interest when even when paki army gets defeated on battlefield. Its high time these bureaucrats take a back seat and let army resolve pak specific issues in.peacetime instead of giving charge to army when precious time is lost.
CPEC runs through of parts of POK. India may not be controlling land in POK but it owns the water that flows through POK. India shall build huge dam to divert all the water away from POK. Without water it won't be easy for all infrastructure to come up in POK.
Other ways to delay the CPEC is to contaminate major CPEC regions in POK with DU. That will make this region less attractive and make it tougher for all that road and rail infra to come up. West uses DU for strategic goals of destroying socierties inimical to its national interest.
The fact that India had been enduring attacks from regions of Pak to Turkey for last thousand years suggests that India was never able to destroy its enemy. India was only trying to repulse attackers.
Some details about CPEC project that will keep haunting India for next decade or two:
[A brief about CPEC is reproduced here from , Please refer this blog for more details]
Kashmir, Islam, Separatism, Human Rights, Army, AFSPA, Track 2 negotiation and many other things we hear on TV are just smoke screeen, real elephant in the house is China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
If you look at it closely suddenly everything falls into place. Kashmir, Balochistan, India's unwillingness to strike, silence of international community, everything else. Pakistan is just a front.
The real sponsor is hiding behind.
Maybe it is because Indian method of viewing everything in black & white. Pakistan sponsors terrorism to get Kashmir. It is not that simple. Pakistan kept the Kashmir flame burning until the 1990s to meet their ends, when China conceived the CPEC and decided to take over. A bit on the CPEC as no one seems to have heard about it. China has a huge geographic handicap: no access to southern world oceans.
So Chinese shipments from Europe, Middle East, Africa have to travel all the way around India, Malacca and ASEAN. China has serious problems with most countries in that region due to its aggressive military posture.
Why Pakistan is so important for Chinese economy? What if China could get a route through Pakistan to access the Arabian Sea? That line in blue. Look at it, so much distance, money saved! That, is the CPEC. A corridor of highways and railways will run from Kashgar in China to Gwadar in Pakistan (Baluchistan) on the Arabian sea near Iran border. And ALL the infrastructure and associated stuff for CPEC will be constructed for Pakistan by China, free or cost or for negligible loans.
What is CPEC?Four Six-lane Expressways from north to south Pakistan, four different routes. All main railway lines being upgraded to 160 kph double. A six to eight lane super expressway Karachi to Gwadar and Hyderabad Innumerable coal, thermal, solar and hydro power plants all across Pakistan. All of Gwadar, including a mega international airport! Then Hospitals, schools, colleges, tech institutes, even a Metro line in Lahore!
And of course, the capstone: reconstruction of the Karakoram highway to six to four lanes
CPEC Map. Source Twitter. Please excuse since J&K map is not as per India's standards. |
Why CPEC? OIL: Gwadar is just 400 km away from Muscat and 500 from the Strait of Hormuz through which all Gulf oil passes. 12 hours at sea! Proximity to Africa: China virtually owns much of Africa today. Billions in investment, buys natural resources. Nothing better than this. Pakistan as a market: China will flood Pakistan and Gulf with its cheap products and make a windfall there too. Proximity to new friend Sri Lanka.If USA/UK (control Malacca strait - Singapore) or India in Indian ocean decide to choke it, China will have no problem as it has CPEC.
But, all of CPEC and China's ambitions bearing fruit depends on the Karakoram highway. That depends on PoK continued to be occupied by Pakistan.
Who would side with India? Mostly nobody. Why? Because China is involved. How international geopolitics work, most don't get that either. USA wants to support us because China makes it nervous. But US corporations are over invested in China, so Uncle Sam will look the other way. Russia - Don't even think about it. Putin has enough troubles at home, and India's pandering to Obama hasn't got him amused. Europe will sit just and watch (because China), and all of the Middle East will (clandestinely) support Pakistan for obvious reasons (Islam).
People think alliances between countries are forget like high school friendships - on emotional grounds of some sort - No. Not at all. International friendships are always based on "how can I benefit by allying", "what terrible can this guy do to me if I don't ally".
So, India will left out cold if it were to as much as touch Pakistan. We will mostly have to take on BOTH Pakistan and China. Mostly. Can India take on both Pakistan and China alone? From two (or three) flanks? We are surrounded by China's friends. What do we do? Dunno.
A bit more on the Karakoram highway: 1962, remember? What if the Chinese were testing the Indian waters before building the highway? China could've walked through India. Still, they withdrew. They were only testing India's resolve to defend PoK if it came to that. We have all but written off PoK. All Wikipedia articles tell all of PoK as "Pakistan". Not Pakistan administered", but Pakistan. Hurts :(
Baluchistan's role: Why Pakistan got all worked up when India raised Balochistan? Gwadar is in Balochistan. Much of CPEC infra passes through Balochistan. The CPEC is China's hope at lifting its sagging economy and securing its strategic position in the region. Its future maybe depends on it. Karakoram- Hindukush- Pamir region since ancient times been strategically sensitive. The Silk Road. China wants control of the new Silk Road. If India were to take PoK we would squeeze the Karakoram Highway shut. No more CPEC, Silk Road. China done for. That is the whole game. Highways are primary military conduits rather than civilian. Whoever controls the highway controls the region.
Ultimately.. Pakistan's ultimate aim is to establish an Islamic caliphate. Apart from this China helps them through CPEC. You might disagree with Modi et al but please support the govt right now in whatever action it takes. Politicking can wait. Wait two more months before taking any harsh decisions. Things might change post November.
[A brief about CPEC has been reproduced here from , Please refer this blog for more details]
Karakoram super highway would run immediately North of India, but right through the disputed area of Kashmir. The one characteristic shared by the Chinese and the Pakistanis is their hatred of the Indians. Both China and Pakistan have fought wars against India. Historic hatred and competition is fierce. When China marches her 200,000,000 man army along this highway, through the Karahoram Pass, the most incredibly powerful army the world has ever seen will be passing from China through the Chinese-controlled portion of Kashmir, through the Pakistan-controlled portion of Kashmir, and right through the Karahoram Pass! When India sees such a powerful army passing just north of her border, she is likely to feel threatened enough to attempt to interdict it. When this happens, China is likely to launch a devastating counterattack using all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction at her disposal. All of India might be annihilated, comprising 25% of the world's population at that point in the Great Tribulation!
11. China-Pak friendship
11. China-Pak friendship
If China-Pak friendship is higher than Everest then India shall be ready to destroy that Everest of friendship. If China somehow somehow successful able to make Karakoram highway, India shall be able to destroy those mountainous regions through which highway is passing to block the access the details of which can't be disclosed here.
When you count their Militia, in conjunction with her active Army, China can field an army of 200,000,000 men!! In the last several decades, China has enforced the draconian decree that each family can only have one child. Since the traditional Chinese culture prefers boys over girls, Chinese parents have quietly been killing girls so they can get pregnant again to have boys. China is now in the situation where she has tens of millions more men than women. "This sexual imbalance will result in an excess of over seventy million young men in China by the year 2000, with no women for them to marry ... This situation could fulfill the prophecy of John about the two-hundred-million-man army from the East that will fight in the Battle of Armageddon." ["The Signature Of God: Astonishing Biblical Discoveries", by Grant Jeffrey, Frontier Research Publications, Inc, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1996, ISBN 0-921714-28-9, Page 198]
The major prophetic implication in this entire episode is that this conflict may be enabling China to fulfill some very major Biblical prophecies concerning the End of the Age!! Let us examine the pertinent prophecies, to see if these things might be so.
"And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them." [Revelation 9:13-16]
This incredible prophecy tells us that one of God's punishments is to loosen four great demonic "angels" which have been bound somewhere in the vicinity of the River Euphrates, probably in that extra-dimension in which angels and demons exist. These angels lead some great army of men numbering 200,000,000 [200 million] strong.
This is not the only time we see demonic beings leading a great army to battle during the Great Tribulation Period. In Revelation 16:13-14, we see that demonic spirits possess the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and go throughout the world to deceive the leaders of the world to gather in the Valley of Meggiddo for the Battle of Armageddon. We are getting a little ahead of ourselves here, but we wanted to establish the fact that demonic beings are going to be allowed to really and truly deceive the minds of human leaders during the Great Tribulation, to persuade human leaders to lead their forces into battle.
Now, let us go back to Revelation 9:13-16. We see that the 200 million man army will be allowed to kill one-third of the population of the world!! In other words, this 200 million man army will be well equipped with weapons of mass destruction. We consider weapons of mass destruction to be of three (3) types: nuclear, chemical, and biological. This unbelievable army, comprised of an unprecedented number of men, will possess the firepower capable of killing one-third of all the inhabitants of the Earth!
Finally, notice that God reveals, in this passage, that He has prepared these mighty four demonic angels for a specific time: This specific time is described as "an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year". In other words, God has determined, a long time ago, the exact day, of the exact month, of the exact year that this invasion will occur! God is in total control. All we know is that it will occur in the 7-year Tribulation Period, and most probably the last part of the 3 ½ years known as the Great Tribulation.
Now, when we return to our passage in Revelation 9, we get further insight as to who this army may be, and from where they might be coming. Let us now to the next verse, to get more information on this unprecedented army.
"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt."
Most Bible scholars have had great difficulty in understanding this passage, as this army is described by the Apostle John in a manner which is not absolutely clear to us. Before we attempt to ascertain the meaning of this description, let us go forward in Revelation, to the point where we see this army coming up to the great River Euphrates.
"And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way [road] of the kings of the east might be prepared." [Revelation 16:12].
In this Vital Judgment, we see that the Euphrates is dried up for the specific purpose of allowing the "Kings of the East" to cross with their 200 million man army. Wow, the Kings of the East. What country is East of Israel that is capable of fielding a 200 million man army? There is only one country: China
Does col start also involves snatching away nukes of Pakistan? If not they its of very little use for long term peace in the region.
In comparision to this US strategy of destroying the inimical societies is better option so that they can never re-group and attack the West again in future ever. US have done that in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. Infact India' security situation has improved due to this as these countries are busy in infighting and only Af-Pak region is now remains inimical to Indian interest.
Obviously India have to shed the posture of moral high ground of not using DU weapons, humanity etc. etc.
Cold Start is a military doctrine developed by the Indian Armed Forces for use in a possible war with Pakistan. ... The Cold Start doctrine is intended to allow India's conventional forces to perform holding attacks in order to prevent a nuclear retaliation from Pakistan in case of a conflict.
As per Cold Start promulgation, offensive operations could begin within 48 hours after orders have been issued. Such a limited response time would enable Indian forces to surprise their Pakistani counterparts. Operations would involve armoured spearheads launched from forward positions in Punjab and Rajasthan.
The plan emphasises speed and overwhelming firepower: armored formations and accompanying infantry would advance into eastern Pakistan with limited goals in terms of distance and in terms of duration. The plan reportedly has a significant air support component. From the Indian perspective, the plan has the added virtue of accentuating Pakistani discomfiture and angst, which in theory may have some deterrent value
In comparision to this US strategy of destroying the inimical societies is better option so that they can never re-group and attack the West again in future ever. US have done that in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. Infact India' security situation has improved due to this as these countries are busy in infighting and only Af-Pak region is now remains inimical to Indian interest.
Obviously India have to shed the posture of moral high ground of not using DU weapons, humanity etc. etc.
India can never match Chinese 200 million army through regular ramy & have to create non state actors to achieve parity with China & Pak.
India should form its own “fidayeen” (suicide) squad, former army chief Shankar Roy Choudhary told news channel NDTV on Sunday, reflecting the rage in the military brass over an extremist attack in north Kashmir’s Uri that killed 17 soldiers.
The militant strike was the worst single attack on the army in 26 years and sources said security forces hadn’t experienced so many casualties since militancy first broke out in the Valley in the 1990s.
In India ruling party not only have to face Opposition party and voters, But also have to face terror attacks from Pak army and their non state actors. After every terror attack, army chief and defence minister rush to the spot which means army men does not have freedom to operate freely. It high time to let army men have some freedom.
'Kadi Ninda' cant be India's only response to Pathankot & Uri terror attacks. Each time no response emboldens Pak even more. What is policy?
While India army is preparing for War, Pak army will never indulge in War after 1971 defeat. They know they can't defeat India in a War. So they are indulging in small battle every now and then which tuned to be very effective & they know India's political system will never allow its army men to act freely. Indian security forces cant even use pallet guns, whats to talk of missiles.
On one hand India is procuring high tech weapons from around the Globe and on other hand security forces cant even use Pallet guns. Indian Politicians & Organisations who want to rule #Delhi for next 2-3 decades shall know that #Pak Army is their ultimate Opposition & it wont allow u to rule Delhi peacefully.So unless they demolish Pak army , ruling Delhi continuously for next 2-3 decades by anyone is just a#pipedream. Also apart from procuring weapons from US & Russia, Our Politicians also need to procure some bravery from President Putin & Strategic thinking from US.#uriattack
16. Internal Security Scenario
Left wingextremism have external links since twentieth century. After world war 2, some groups were planning to capture India through armed insurgency like China with the help of Russian arms. The plan didn't materialise as Russia was close to India, so these extremist group are now closer to china and plan f takover is still there through chinese weapons.
For details pls refer:
Scalar energy warfare against land and population targets, including cities, industrial sites, buildings, populations and individuals. ELF weapon with electromagnetic harassment and mood manipulation of target populations and individuals. Biological & Binary Weapons against populations (with Chemtrails component)
18. Earthquake Tsunami and Nuclear Testing
The earthquake hit Indonesia at 6:58 a.m; the tsunami arrived as much as 2 1/2 hours later, without warning, suggesting that it might not have been caused directly by the quake but by some other change triggered by the quake.
Q: Is underwater nuclear testing common?
A: Yes, The United States has conducted 1,054 tests of nuclear devices between July 16, 1945 and September 23, 1992. Before 1962, all the tests were atmospheric (on land or in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans) but overall the majority - 839 - were underground tests. From 1966 to 1990, 167 French nuclear test explosions have been performed on two atolls in French Polynesia, Morurua and Fangataua. Of the 167 tests, 44 were atmospheric. Atmospheric explosions were carried out until 1974, but only underground tests after that. The underground tests have been conducted at the bottom of shafts bored 500-1200 meters into the basalt core of the atoll. Initially these shafts were drilled in the outer rim of the atoll. In 1981, most likely due to the weakening of that rim, the tests with higher yields were shifted to shafts drilled under the lagoon itself.
First Tsunami-Making bomb developed in WW-II
19. Securing the Indus treaty: Water as a Weapon
In Asia, the vast majority of the 57 transnational river basins have no water-sharing arrangement or any other cooperative mechanism. India, however, has water-sharing treaties with both the countries located downstrea
m to it, Pakistan and Bangladesh. These treaties govern the subcontinent’s two largest rivers, Indus and Ganges. By contrast, China, despite its unrivalled international status as the source of river flows to more than a dozen countries, stands out for not having a single water-sharing arrangement with any co-riparian state.
Significantly, India’s treaties with Pakistan and Bangladesh are the only pacts in Asia with specific water-sharing formulas on cross-border flows. They also set a new principle in international water law. The 1996 Ganges treaty set a new standard by guaranteeing delivery of specific water quantities in the critical dry season.
India’s Indus largesse
The Indus treaty stands out as the world’s most generous water-sharing arrangement by far, in terms of both the sharing ratio (80.52 per cent of the aggregate water flows in the Indus system reserved for Pakistan) and the total volume of basin waters for the downstream state (Pakistan gets 90 times greater volume of water than Mexico’s share under a 1944 pact with the U.S.). It is the first and only treaty that goes beyond water sharing to partitioning rivers. It drew a virtual line on the map of India to split the Indus Basin into upper and lower parts, limiting India’s full sovereignty rights to the lower section and reserving for Pakistan the upper rivers of Jammu and Kashmir — the so-called “western rivers.”
Today, it remains the only inter-country water agreement in the world embodying the doctrine of restricted sovereignty, which seeks to compel an upriver state to defer to the interests of a downstream state. Treaty curbs, for example, obviate any Indian control over the timing or quantum of the Pakistan-earmarked rivers’ trans-boundary flows.
Given that water is J&K’s main natural resource and essential for economic development, the gifting of its river waters to Pakistan by treaty has fostered popular grievance there. The J&K government in 2011 hired an international consultant to assess the State’s cumulative economic losses, estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars annually, from the treaty-imposed fetters on water utilisation. Demands in the J&K legislature for revision or abrogation of the Indus treaty are growing since a resolution seeking a treaty review was passed in 2003. The backlash from underdevelopment, made worse by a Pakistan-abetted insurrection, has prompted New Delhi to embark on several modestly sized, run-of-the-river hydropower projects in J&K to address chronic electricity shortages.
Pakistan insists on rights without responsibilities. In fact, its use of state-reared terrorist groups can be invoked by India, under Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, as constituting reasonable grounds for withdrawal from the Indus treaty. The International Court of Justice has upheld the principle that a treaty may be dissolved by reason of a fundamental change of circumstances.
The biggest weapon in India's arsenal against Pakistan? Nuclear? No, it's water, if India jettisons the Indus treaty
Since 2010, thousands of PLA troops have entered Pakistan-held Jammu & Kashmir. Yet a meek India continues to stay mum on this game changer.
New rivers of conflict: Pakistan takes India before international tribunal at The Hague.
20. Microwave weapons
India can adopt microwave weapons on border outpost to to create saturation nvironment of radiation which trigger of experiencing serious illness, suicidal depression, impaired cognitive ability, even death.
Microwaving Iraq
He is concerned that innocent Iraqi families and unsuspecting GIs alike are being used as test subjects for a new generation of "psychotronic" weapons using invisible beams across the entire electromagnetic spectrum to selectively alter moods, behavior and bodily processes.
"The "poppers, are capable of using a combo of ULF, VLF, UHF and EHF wavelengths in any combination at the same time, sometimes using one as a carrier wave for the others," Hank explains, in a process called superheterodyning.
The silent frequencies daily sweeping Fallujah and other trouble spots are the same Navy "freqs that drove whales nuts and made them go astray onto beaches."
The Gulf War veteran observes that occupied Iraq has become a "saturation environment" of electromagnetic radiation.
Potentially lethal electromagnetic smog from high-power US military electronics and experimental beam weapons is placing already hard-hit local populations-particularly children -- at even higher risk of experiencing serious illness, suicidal depression, impaired cognitive ability, even death.
American troops constantly exposed "up close" to their own microwave transmitters, battlefield radars and RF weapons are also seeing their health eroded by electromagnetic sickness. It's common, Hank recalls, for GIs to warm themselves on cold desert nights by basking in the microwaves radiating from their QUEEMS communications and RATT radar rigs.
Constant microwave emissions from ground-sweeping RATT rigs and SINGARS mobile microwave networks are much more powerful than civilian microwave cell phone nets linked in many clinical studies to maladies ranging from asthma, cataracts, headaches, memory loss, early Alzheimer's, bad dreams and cancer.
Even more powerful US military radars, radios and "jammers" blasting from ground bases and overflying aircraft add to this electromagnetic din.
This is bad enough. But this is also Iraq, Hank says, where ever-present sand acts as miniature quartz reflectors, unpredictably amplifying the ricocheting electronic smog so thick that if it were visible, every vehicle in Baghdad and the surrounding Sunni Triangle would be driving blind with their headlights on.
21. US Secret Weapon in Iraq
On that date, al-Ghazali and his family sheltered in their house as a fierce street battle erupted in his neighborhood. In the midst of the fighting, he noticed that the Americans had called up an oddly configured tank. Then to his amazement the tank suddenly let loose a blinding stream of what seemed like fire and lightning, engulfing a large passenger bus and three automobiles.
Within seconds the bus had become semi-molten, sagging "like a wet rag" as he put it. He said the bus rapidly melted under this withering blast, shrinking until it was a twisted blob about the dimensions of a VW bug. As if that were not bizarre enough, al-Ghazali explicitly describes seeing numerous human bodies shriveled to the size of newborn babies.
By the time local street fighting ended that day, he estimates between 500 and 600 soldiers and civilians had been cooked alive as a result of the mysterious tank-mounted device.
In a city littered everywhere with burned-out civilian and military vehicles, US forces were abnormally scrupulous about immediately detailing bulldozers and shovel crews to the job of burying the grim wreckage. Nevertheless, telltale remnants remained as Dillon found when al-Ghazali later took him to the site. Dillon said they easily uncovered large puddles of resolidified metal and mounds of weird fibrous material that, al-Ghazali explained, were all that remained of the vehicles' tires.
With modern warfare so dependent on computers and communications devices, a weapon that renders them useless could be invaluable. And after decades of research, U.S. scientists and engineers may be close to fielding an effective technology known as high-powered microwave weapons.
At least, that is the latest buzz. Recent articles have speculated microwave weapons could be deployed if the United States invades Iraq.
22. NWO and Agenda of Depopulation
India strategist shall not forget all these factors and fall into naivety of believing the elite powers of the world.