Thursday, November 24, 2022
Saturday, April 10, 2021
are focal points where psychic forces and bodily functions interact with each
other. They are transceivers of SCALAR energy. Longitudinal Scalar waves are so
fine that they are only one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in width
hence finer than X-rays and gamma rays.
Human body is designed to generate and distribute energy to various parts of the body. The energy circulation occurs continuously with minimal loss in the system. The aura is created and nourished by the energy brought in through chakras. A chakra that rotates anti-clockwise is a ‘closed’ chakra--not conducive to the intake of energy. Normally the chakras spin very fast, sucking the universal energy into our body.
As people grow old and due to unhealthy lifestyles, the loss of energy from the body increases leading to disruption and well being. As we grow older we develop negative patterns of thinking and living that slow down some or all of the chakras and sometimes even impede their direction, causing an energy imbalance that results in various diseases. As the time passes, the body system develops fatigue, the Energy transfer mechanism gets compromised and a part of the energy generated gets wasted and starts downward flow.
The great sages from time to time have developed many methods
like Tapa, Yoga, Pranayama etc. to correct the energy flow system. The Sikh Gurus have
adopted Turban as a method to preserve the energy.
Turbans go way back in history as part of a spiritual practice.
The top of your head is the tenth gate or the crown chakra. It is normally
covered by hair that acts as antennae to protect the top of the head from sun
and exposure, as well as to channel sun and vitamin D energy. Yogis or Sikhs do
not cut their hair, they coil or knot it on top of head on their solar center.
In men the solar center is on top of the head at the front (anterior fontanel).
Women have two solar centers: one is at the center of the crown chakra, the
other is on top of the head towards the back (posterior fontanel). For all,
coiling or knotting the hair at the solar centers channels one’s radiant energy
and helps retain a spiritual focus.
The 10th Sikh Master, Guru Gobind Singh, taught
his Sikhs to take the next step:
Put a turban on the head covering the coiled,
uncut hair. The pressure of the multiple wraps keeps the 26 bones of the skull
in place. There are pressure points on the forehead that keep you calm and
relaxed. Turbans cover the temples, which protects you from mental or psychic
negativity of other people. The pressure of the turban also changes the pattern
of blood flow to the brain. (These are all reasons that women should also wear
turbans.) When you tie up your hair and wrap the turban around it, all the
parts of your skull are pulled together and supported. You feel clarity and
readiness for the day and for what may come to you from the Unknown.
A. How continuous loss of Energy can be minimized without significant efforts:
In this method, the skin
memory functionality is used to prevent downward flow of energy.
After taking daily bath with regular Soap, the left leg from Thigh to Knee area shall be properly washed with a another soap/detergent/ washing powder. Then it is cleaned properly with water afterwards. This creates two different skin memories: one for the whole body & other for the left leg Thigh portion which is washed with the another soap. It creates a kind of barrier for downward energy flow from the body.
Thus the downward Energy
flow is reduced significantly and much of the energy now flows upwards &
keeps the body Fit & Healthy.
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strictly for *ACADEMIC & EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY*. Please note that all
such information may have been picked up from unverified sources. Use of this
information is at the sole discretion of the *Recipient*. Any outcome
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the same
Sunday, December 29, 2019
सन 711ई. की बात है। अरब के पहले मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारी मुहम्मद बिन कासिम के आतंकवादियों ने मुल्तान विजय के बाद एक विशेष सम्प्रदाय हिन्दू के ऊपर गांवो शहरों में भीषण रक्तपात मचाया था। हजारों स्त्रियों की छातियाँ नोच डाली गयीं, इस कारण अपनी लाज बचाने के लिए हजारों सनातनी किशोरियां अपनी शील की रक्षा के लिए कुंए तालाब में डूब मरीं। लगभग सभी युवाओं को या तो मार डाला गया या गुलाम बना लिया गया। भारतीय सैनिकों ने ऎसी बर्बरता पहली बार देखी थी।
एक बालक तक्षक के पिता कासिम की सेना के साथ हुए युद्ध में वीरगति को प्राप्त हो चुके थे। लुटेरी अरब सेना जब तक्षक के गांव में पहुची तो हाहाकार मच गया। स्त्रियों को घरों से खींच खींच कर उनकी देह लूटी जाने लगी।भय से आक्रांत तक्षक के घर में भी सब चिल्ला उठे। तक्षक और उसकी दो बहनें भय से कांप उठी थीं।
तक्षक की माँ पूरी परिस्थिति समझ चुकी थी, उसने कुछ देर तक अपने बच्चों को देखा और जैसे एक निर्णय पर पहुच गयी। माँ ने अपने तीनों बच्चों को खींच कर छाती में चिपका लिया और रो पड़ी। फिर देखते देखते उस क्षत्राणी ने म्यान से तलवार खीचा और अपनी दोनों बेटियों का सर काट डाला।उसके बाद अरबों द्वारा उनकी काटी जा रही गाय की तरफ और बेटे की ओर अंतिम दृष्टि डाली, और तलवार को अपनी छाती में उतार लिया।
आठ वर्ष का बालक तक्षक एकाएक समय को पढ़ना सीख गया था, उसने भूमि पर पड़ी मृत माँ के आँचल से अंतिम बार अपनी आँखे पोंछी, और घर के पिछले द्वार से निकल कर खेतों से होकर जंगल में भाग गया।
25 वर्ष बीत गए। अब वह बालक बत्तीस वर्ष का पुरुष हो कर कन्नौज के प्रतापी शासक नागभट्ट द्वितीय का मुख्य अंगरक्षक था। वर्षों से किसी ने उसके चेहरे पर भावना का कोई चिन्ह नही देखा था। वह न कभी खुश होता था न कभी दुखी। उसकी आँखे सदैव प्रतिशोध की वजह से अंगारे की तरह लाल रहती थीं। उसके पराक्रम के किस्से पूरी सेना में सुने सुनाये जाते थे। अपनी तलवार के एक वार से हाथी को मार डालने वाला तक्षक सैनिकों के लिए आदर्श था। कन्नौज नरेश नागभट्ट अपने अतुल्य पराक्रम से अरबों के सफल प्रतिरोध के लिए ख्यात थे। सिंध पर शासन कर रहे अरब कई बार कन्नौज पर आक्रमण कर चुके थे,पर हर बार योद्धा राजपूत उन्हें खदेड़ देते। युद्ध के सनातन नियमों का पालन करते नागभट्ट कभी उनका पीछा नहीं करते, जिसके कारण मुस्लिम शासक आदत से मजबूर बार बार मजबूत हो कर पुनः आक्रमण करते थे। ऐसा पंद्रह वर्षों से हो रहा था।
इस बार फिर से सभा बैठी थी, अरब के खलीफा से सहयोग ले कर सिंध की विशाल सेना कन्नौज पर आक्रमण के लिए प्रस्थान कर चुकी है और संभवत: दो से तीन दिन के अंदर यह सेना कन्नौज की सीमा पर होगी। इसी सम्बंध में रणनीति बनाने के लिए महाराज नागभट्ट ने यह सभा बैठाई थी। सारे सेनाध्यक्ष अपनी अपनी राय दे रहे थे...तभी अंगरक्षक तक्षक उठ खड़ा हुआ और बोला---
महाराज, हमे इस बार दुश्मन को उसी की शैली में उत्तर देना होगा।
महाराज ने ध्यान से देखा अपने इस अंगरक्षक की ओर, बोले- "अपनी बात खुल कर कहो तक्षक, हम कुछ समझ नही पा रहे।"
"महाराज, अरब सैनिक महाबर्बर हैं, उनके साथ सनातन नियमों के अनुरूप युद्ध कर के हम अपनी प्रजा के साथ घात ही करेंगे। उनको उन्ही की शैली में हराना होगा।"
महाराज के माथे पर लकीरें उभर आयीं, बोले-
"किन्तु हम धर्म और मर्यादा नही छोड़ सकते सैनिक। "
तक्षक ने कहा-
"मर्यादा का निर्वाह उसके साथ किया जाता है जो मर्यादा का अर्थ समझते हों। ये बर्बर धर्मोन्मत्त राक्षस हैं महाराज। इनके लिए हत्या और बलात्कार ही धर्म है।"
"पर यह हमारा धर्म नही हैं वीर"
"राजा का केवल एक ही धर्म होता है महाराज, और वह है प्रजा की रक्षा। देवल और मुल्तान का युद्ध याद करें महाराज, जब कासिम की सेना ने दाहिर को पराजित करने के पश्चात प्रजा पर कितना अत्याचार किया था। ईश्वर न करे, यदि हम पराजित हुए तो बर्बर अत्याचारी अरब हमारी स्त्रियों, बच्चों और निरीह प्रजा के साथ कैसा व्यवहार करेंगे, यह आप भली भाँति जानते हैं।"
महाराज ने एक बार पूरी सभा की ओर निहारा, सबका मौन तक्षक के तर्कों से सहमत दिख रहा था। महाराज अपने मुख्य सेनापतियों मंत्रियों और तक्षक के साथ गुप्त सभाकक्ष की ओर बढ़ गए।
अगले दिवस की संध्या तक कन्नौज की पश्चिम सीमा पर दोनों सेनाओं का पड़ाव हो चूका था, और आशा थी कि अगला प्रभात एक भीषण युद्ध का साक्षी होगा।
आधी रात्रि बीत चुकी थी। अरब सेना अपने शिविर में निश्चिन्त सो रही थी। अचानक तक्षक के संचालन में कन्नौज की एक चौथाई सेना अरब शिविर पर टूट पड़ी। अरबों को किसी हिन्दू शासक से रात्रि युद्ध की आशा न थी। वे उठते,सावधान होते और हथियार सँभालते इसके पुर्व ही आधे अरब गाजर मूली की तरह काट डाले गए।
इस भयावह निशा में तक्षक का शौर्य अपनी पराकाष्ठा पर था।वह घोडा दौड़ाते जिधर निकल पड़ता उधर की भूमि शवों से पट जाती थी। आज माँ और बहनों की आत्मा को ठंडक देने का समय था....
उषा की प्रथम किरण से पुर्व अरबों की दो तिहाई सेना मारी जा चुकी थी। सुबह होते ही बची सेना पीछे भागी, किन्तु आश्चर्य! महाराज नागभट्ट अपनी शेष सेना के साथ उधर तैयार खड़े थे। दोपहर होते होते समूची अरब सेना काट डाली गयी। अपनी बर्बरता के बल पर विश्वविजय का स्वप्न देखने वाले आतंकियों को पहली बार किसी ने ऐसा उत्तर दिया था।
विजय के बाद महाराज ने अपने सभी सेनानायकों की ओर देखा, उनमे तक्षक का कहीं पता नही था।सैनिकों ने युद्धभूमि में तक्षक की खोज प्रारंभ की तो देखा-लगभग हजार अरब सैनिकों के शव के बीच तक्षक की मृत देह दमक रही थी। उसे शीघ्र उठा कर महाराज के पास लाया गया। कुछ क्षण तक इस अद्भुत योद्धा की ओर चुपचाप देखने के पश्चात महाराज नागभट्ट आगे बढ़े और तक्षक के चरणों में अपनी तलवार रख कर उसकी मृत देह को प्रणाम किया। युद्ध के पश्चात युद्धभूमि में पसरी नीरवता में भारत का वह महान सम्राट गरज उठा-
"आप आर्यावर्त की वीरता के शिखर थे तक्षक.... भारत ने अबतक मातृभूमि की रक्षा में प्राण न्योछावर करना सीखा था, आप ने मातृभूमि के लिए प्राण लेना सिखा दिया। भारत युगों युगों तक आपका आभारी रहेगा।"
इतिहास साक्षी है, इस युद्ध के बाद अगले तीन शताब्दियों तक अरबों कीें भारत की तरफ आँख उठा कर देखने की हिम्मत नही हुई।
तक्षक ने सिखाया कि मातृभूमि की रक्षा के लिए प्राण दिए ही नही, लिए भी जाते है, साथ ही ये भी सिखाया कि दुष्ट सिर्फ दुष्टता की ही भाषा जानता है, इसलिए उसके दुष्टतापूर्ण कुकृत्यों का प्रत्युत्तर उसे उसकी ही भाषा में देना चाहिए अन्यथा वो आपको कमजोर ही समझता रहेगा।
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Their next target, the super profitable port of Mangalore.
Their only bad luck, just 14 kilometers south of Mangalore was the small settlement of Ullal - ruled then by a feisty 30 year old woman - Rani Abbakka Chowta.
Initially, they took her lightly and sent a few boats and soldiers to capture and bring her back to Goa - Those boats never came back.
Shocked and enraged, they sent a huge fleet of ships this time, under the command of much celebrated Admiral Dom Álvaro da Silveira - The admiral soon returned, badly injured and empty handed.
Thereafter, another Portuguese fleet was sent - only a few injured from the crew managed to make it back.
Then the Portuguese went on to capture the Mangalore port and the fort anyways, perhaps planning to tackle Rani Abbakka Chowta from the convenient distance of the Mangalore fort.
After the successful capture of Mangalore, a huge army under João Peixoto, an experienced Portuguese General was sent to Ullal.
The brief was simple: Subjugate Ullal and capture Abbakka Chowta.
The plan was foolproof- there was no way a 30 year old with a few men could withstand the might of an army of thousands with advanced weapons.
The Portuguese reached Ullal and found it deserted. Abbakka was nowhere in sight.
They roamed around, relaxed and thanked their stars - Just when they were about to call it a victory - Mrs Chowta attacked with 200 of her chosen men - there was chaos all around and many portuguese lost their lives even without a fight
- General João Peixoto was assassinated, 70 portuguese were captured and the rest just ran away.
So if you’re Abbakka Chowta, who’s just defeated a large army of aggressors, killed a general, captured fighters and defended her city - What will you do?
- Rest and enjoy the moment right?
- Right?
- No!
Rani Abbakka Chowta, rode with her men towards Mangalore that same night, and laid a siege of the Mangalore fort - She not just broke inside the fort successfully - but assassinated Admiral Mascarenhas the Chief of the Portuguese power there and forced the remaining Portuguese to vacate the fort.
She didn’t just stop at this but went on to even capture the Portuguese settlement at Kundapura, a full 100 kms, north of Mangalore - Just to make a point.
The Portuguese finally managed to get back at Abbakka Chowta by convincing her estranged husband, to betray for money. She was arrested and put in the prison where she revolted again and was killed while trying to escape.
Abbakka Chowta was a Jain who fought against the Portuguese with an army comprising of both Hindus and Muslims, a full 300 years before the First War of Indian Independence in 1857.
What did we Indians do to her, as a mark of our respect and gratitude? - We just forgot her.
We didn’t name our girls after her. We didn’t even teach her stories to our kids.
Yes we did release a Postal Stamp in her name, named a boat after her and erected 2 statues - yes just 2 statues in the whole of India for someone who should be our national hero.
We might have got to read a chapter about her in our text books, had she been a European or an American.
Many talk about her being the last Indian to have the power of the agni-ban. In all this cacophony, our generation has lost a great hero - a great source of inspiration.
Still wondering why you’ve not heard about her yet?
Wonder on.
*Atleast now, spread such historical facts to all your friends*
Saturday, June 2, 2018
The Spiritual Technology of the Turban
The porous nature causes brain energy to drain during day time under gravitational pressure of Earth System. So once this delicate balance of constant charging during night and discharging during day-time is lost, the Human Aura Energy and personality starts degrading.
First Step:
So the method to balance & preserve crown chakra energy lies in first continuously charging the brain with Pranic energy during night which happens naturally while sleeping.The second step:
It involves reducing/avoiding discharging of this Pranic energy during day time. Since the frontal bones are porous so we have to apply a material/substance to plug the pore spaces in the upper part of the forehead as highlighted in the figure above. The practice of applying Tilak (in various shapes/design) on forehead is an age old practice which uses similar method/philosophy.
The Third step:
As explained earlier, this coffee applied on upper part of forehead needs to be cleaned with soap in the night before sleeping so as recharging mechanism of healing can work during night time.If the paste is not properly removed, Chances of a sound sleep are almost nil. It is very important to remove the coffee applied from the forehead while sleeping or lying down for recharge mechanism to function & avoid any unintended side effects.
Jai Shree Krishna
Thursday, September 22, 2016
It is not correct and There are hundreds of ways to fight war peacefully.
Control water flow such that water never reaches when required the most. This can cripple the drinking water, agriculture, ground water etc. which fosters the jihadi factories. Pakistan's one of the reason behind wanting Kashmir is to secure its water as India is upper riparian zone for Pak rivers & India is only helping Pak by continuously supplying water to them.
While Indian rivers are as polluted as they can be, India is supplying clean water to Pakistan. Pakistan is not surviving on its own, an ecosystem exists in India which supports Pak, directly and indirectly. If India can get rid of destroy this eco-system, India will win half of the battle.
to disrupt weather patterns, disturb rain, cause earthquakes, floods & other weather warfare.
In order to stop Russian missiles in the 80's a whole STARWARS antenna system was born. HAARP is High Altitude Auroral Resonance Project. That means that they can beam off satellites and send vortexes to any place on earth that they want to. They can send lasers down and melt structures out of buildings
Frighteningly, mankind can now tamper with weather manipulation, climate modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and brain wave manipulations using the planet's energy fields, global weather is a complex system, including air pressure and thermal systems, but also an electrical system. Because of the so-called 'butterfly effect" described in chaos theory, input of small charges get pumped up into big effects, since HAARP pulses the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable, creating greater turbulence. Complex systems, can suddenly collapse in catastrophic events. Cascades of effects could destroy the biosphere.
Fore more details pls refer the blog:
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview
can disrupt rainfall patterns. A Country can't survive more than 4-5 years of deficit rainfalls.
Given that rains had arrived, temperature was down in north India so there was less requirement for a power overdraw. For example, the temperature in New Delhi on 31st July was 25.4 degrees Celsius, more than ten degrees below what it had been during the peak of the summer heat. If electricity overuse was the sole cause of the power failure, because of too many people drawing power, this would have happened before now. No working ATMs made life for the common man miserable. People in high rises had no water to wash their backsides or flush the toilet.
Other ways to delay the CPEC is to contaminate major CPEC regions in POK with DU. That will make this region less attractive and make it tougher for all that road and rail infra to come up. West uses DU for strategic goals of destroying socierties inimical to its national interest.
The fact that India had been enduring attacks from regions of Pak to Turkey for last thousand years suggests that India was never able to destroy its enemy. India was only trying to repulse attackers.
If you look at it closely suddenly everything falls into place. Kashmir, Balochistan, India's unwillingness to strike, silence of international community, everything else. Pakistan is just a front.
The real sponsor is hiding behind.
CPEC Map. Source Twitter. Please excuse since J&K map is not as per India's standards. |
11. China-Pak friendship
In comparision to this US strategy of destroying the inimical societies is better option so that they can never re-group and attack the West again in future ever. US have done that in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. Infact India' security situation has improved due to this as these countries are busy in infighting and only Af-Pak region is now remains inimical to Indian interest.
Obviously India have to shed the posture of moral high ground of not using DU weapons, humanity etc. etc.
India can never match Chinese 200 million army through regular ramy & have to create non state actors to achieve parity with China & Pak.
'Kadi Ninda' cant be India's only response to Pathankot & Uri terror attacks. Each time no response emboldens Pak even more. What is policy?
16. Internal Security Scenario
A: Yes, The United States has conducted 1,054 tests of nuclear devices between July 16, 1945 and September 23, 1992. Before 1962, all the tests were atmospheric (on land or in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans) but overall the majority - 839 - were underground tests. From 1966 to 1990, 167 French nuclear test explosions have been performed on two atolls in French Polynesia, Morurua and Fangataua. Of the 167 tests, 44 were atmospheric. Atmospheric explosions were carried out until 1974, but only underground tests after that. The underground tests have been conducted at the bottom of shafts bored 500-1200 meters into the basalt core of the atoll. Initially these shafts were drilled in the outer rim of the atoll. In 1981, most likely due to the weakening of that rim, the tests with higher yields were shifted to shafts drilled under the lagoon itself.
19. Securing the Indus treaty: Water as a Weapon
20. Microwave weapons
"The "poppers, are capable of using a combo of ULF, VLF, UHF and EHF wavelengths in any combination at the same time, sometimes using one as a carrier wave for the others," Hank explains, in a process called superheterodyning.
India strategist shall not forget all these factors and fall into naivety of believing the elite powers of the world.