Chakras were figured out by Vedic seers in 9000 BC, with NIL junk DNA in their bodies and king sized pineal glands, on the banks of the river Saraswati in India.
Chakras are focal points where psychic forces and bodily functions interact with each other. They are transceivers of SCALAR energy. ). Longitudinal Scalar waves are so fine that they are only one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in width hence finer than X-rays and gamma rays.
Scalar waves can produce a great repelling force on the atomic nucleus, bypassing the outer electron shells, directly engineering or interfering with the components of the nucleus.
Scalar waves operate in a non-linear time dimension which is hyperspace, at any speed from zero to infinity, as they are not limited to the speed of light. Secondary fields caused by the motion of subatomic particles interacting with Zero Point Field or Aakasha or Ether are called Scalar waves. They are not electromagnetic and hence don’t have direction or spin. Scalar waves can travel faster than light. Scalar waves encode the information of space and time into a timeless spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns.
Electrons get their energy to whiz around the nucleus of an atom without slowing down because they tap quantum fluctuations of empty space
When a person goes for a pilgrimage, to a place with a black heavy meteorite stone (Shiva Lingam) he hopes to re-align and speed up his chakras, and develop consciousness. His Chakras vortex will extend further from his body.
These chakras cannot be seen by the sight sense of the common man.
Each of these 7 chakras are associated with a specific colour, organ, gland, mantra and frequency. The lowest is Muladhara at the base of the spine, and the highest is Sahasrara at the top of your head.
The Muladhara encircles a mysterious divine potency called Kundalini, which can be raised by Yoga and meditation, chakra by chakra, till it reaches the Sahasrara. A overwhelming bliss is felt , which mystically represents re-integration with Atman or the eternal essence of self. With awakened Kundalini telepathy is possible.
Chakras can then send out information carrying Soliton waves, which do not attenuate. The Indian sage has exploded into a space of consciousness in which inner awareness is spontaneous. Cosmic consciousness is an intellectual enlightenment or illumination, an undescribable state of moral and intellectual elevation, a feeling of amazing bliss.
When your perception opens up you can talk to trees. When meditating if tingling happens in your body, it means some rearrangements are taking place in your energy.
The Muladhara chakra ( root ) hangs outside your body between your thighs , just beneath your scrotum.
The Sahasrara chakra ( crown ) is located on top of your head.
The remaining chakras are aligned within your body .
The aura is created and nourished by the energy brought in through chakras. A chakra that rotates anti-clockwise is a ‘closed’ chakra--not conducive to the intake of energy. Normally the chakras spin very fast, sucking the universal energy into our body. However, as we grow older we develop negative patterns of thinking and living that slow down of some or all of the chakras and sometimes even impede their direction, causing an energy imbalance that results in various diseases.
This post pertains to 6th and 7th Chakras:
Sixth/ Third Eye AJNA Chakra - pitutiary gland, hormones which control other glands,brain / — Indigo resonance—third eye-- wisdom—clairvoyance, imagination . 221.23 Hz - The 3RD EYE fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This tone promotes a great flow of love energy and inner harmony. Spiritual aura concerned with divine love. Stone--Blue sapphire. Concern archetypal/ element light/ 90.0 - 98.0 Hz. Blockage- poor memory , denial, endocrine and hormonal imbalances. Seat-Vision, psychic perception.
Seventh/ crown chakra SAHASRARA / pineal gland seat of biorhythm — Violet resonance—spirituality—bliss, higher consciousness, enlightment . 172.06 Hz - The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is the time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation or precession like a top. The tone supports cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, supports cosmic unity and is anti-depressive. Spiritual aura concerned with divine mind. Stone--Diamond. Materialism—spiritual disconnection. Concern Universal/ element thought 960.0 Hz. Blockage-lack of self understanding and direction. Seat- oneness
When your chakras are out of balance nothing seems to go all right, and you have a sense of depression. You can douse your chakras with Tetrahydron Quartz. Dousing is the easiest of all ESP.
Chakras contribute to your Aura. When you hold a copper lota with Living water inside , like the ancient Vedic sages your aura get modified.
The third eye is a switch to activates higher energies or self acupuncture. The third eye is not a physical organ rather it is astral. The space of consciousness is dark indigo.
Gazing at the stars is an enlightening practice that fills up the soul.
The crown chakra reaches down until its vortex touches the pineal gland.
Kundalini starts its ascent towards the head center after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.
Our creative power to reverse entropy and heal still lies within us. We all have stem cells in our body that can make new healthy cells. Life can re-create Life, NOW. All we need to do is neutralize the electromagnetic charges held in our fields that disrupt our natural state of perfection.
We have 96% junk DNA in our body and hence have no idea what a chakra means.
Most of the various electronic devices of the past decades rely on the quantum. In quantum physics all things are seen as possibility waves. And it is consciousness that changes these possibility waves into actuality.
Everything is made of energy, including thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, and associations
Remember, chakras dictate all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes that take place in your body. Every chakra is a transmitter cum receiver antenna.
A healthy clean aura means a healthy body. The human aura is egg shaped. Auras can also be diagnosed with the help of quartz pendulums or with sensitized hands.
he sixth layer represents divine love and ecstasy. Here are the feelings we experience when we fall in love with someone, get lost in the beauty of a landscape and so forth. Extending two to two-and-three-quarters feet from the body, the sixth kosha is a gold-silver halo of light.
Our need at this level is for spiritual nourishment through experiences that make us feel lost in something -- we might feel connected to the stars, the trees, the ocean or everything out there in the universe -- thus giving us the experience of oneness. This is the level we experience in deep meditation. This level comprises streams of light of various colours, radiating in all directions at a high frequency. The beams may be straight or sagging, depending upon the health of this level.
The seventh layer represents the divine mind, and is made up of high-frequency, bright golden energy lines. Extending three-and-a-half feet from the body, these golden lines form the matrix for all the physical components of our bodies. With a well developed seventh kosha, we start seeing and feeling the hidden divine perfection. A hidden purpose appears in every seemingly imperfect event or item around you, resulting in serenity of mind.
At this level you hold your core beliefs, which may or may not be in harmony with the universal laws. All of our creative ideas flow from this level and give a sense of purpose to them. When the seventh kosha is underdeveloped, we might feel that everything is disconnected, random, chaotic and without purpose. When our beliefs are in disharmony with the divine laws, we are bound to experience diseases and upsets. This kosha holds the entire energy field together and protects it from harm.
“OM”- Ajna chakra 6 (third eye/brow)
The bija mantra AUM . The pravana, AUM, is the source of all sounds and is connected with anahata nada, the primal cosmic sound. It thus creates unity and is a combination of sun (A), moon (U), and fire (M). The third eye plays an important role in the piercing of the third knot, Rudra Granthi. When Rudra Granthi is pierced, individuality is dropped, the old ego awareness is left behind and the experience of unmanifest consciousness emerges at the Sahasrara Chakra. The symbol for this chakra is the circle with two petals on either side. A person who has reached this level of awareness has a body that constantly radiates the sound AUM. The aura of such persons enables all those who come into their presence to become calm and sensitive to the refined sound frequencies of AUM
Sahasrara chakra 7 (crown):
In Sanskrit the word ‘Sahasrara’, means thousand, so the Sahasrara Chakra is the ‘Lotus of the Thousand Petals’ and is located four finger-breadths above the crown of the head. When the Kundalini is raised up to the Sahasrara Chakra, the illusion of the ‘individual self’ is dissolved. According to the scriptures, the Sahasrara Chakra is the seat of the self-luminous Self, the essence of being. The sounds associated with this chakra are AL and AH ( degraded to all sounds from AH to KSHA which is bull ).
Within the sushumna (central energy channel) there are three granthis or knots that prevent the upward movement of the Kundalini Shakti.
As per Vedanta we are essentially holographic energy beings existing in a state of resonance with the scalar field of the cosmos.
Opening and balancing the Crown Chakra is important for a spiritual and deep connection with other people, God/creator and the universe. The energy that leaves and enters one’s Crown Chakra plays a role in the positive flow of energy in association with the other Chakras and develops the outlook for the individual’s life.
The gemstones for Crown Chakra are represented by Amethyst and Quartz crystals. Wearing or carrying these gemstones or crystals can help heal and maintain a positive energy flow to and from the Crown Chakra.
Methods On How To Heal The Crown Chakra
Meditation and Yoga are suggested as popular methods to heal Crown Chakra. However it requires daily practice and untiring efforts to have any appreciable healing benefits.
If at least 1 lakh ( 100 000 ) people can raise their Kundalini, a golden age will start for this planet. If not this planet misses a golden opportunity for another 25765 years, till Lord Brahma breathes out again-- to rescue the whole human race from a mental prison in which they have been incarcerated .
By changing your brain vibration > 40 Hz Gamma through altering the state of your consciousness , you can develop psychic powers. When you use psychic power you tap into the level of the universe, where individuality does not exist. At this level each of us is a part of a universal and cosmic consciousness where we are connected as though held together by invisible threads. This inter connectedness means that everything we do or think affects everything and everyone else. The brain does not create consciousness, rather-- consciousness created the brain.
This process was understood by Greeks when Plato and Pythagoras studied in India .
People who have raised their Kundalini are least interested in impressing the others. You will find some sages coming down from the Himalayas for the 12 yearly Kumbh Mela. These sages can do extraordinary feats and miracles, yet they are naked , covered with ash to look repulsive and unwilling to be in the limelight.
Nowadays all on the Internet quote Pandit Gopi Krishna--as a man who raised his Kundalini, and wrote a book about it.
I have read this book PATH TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS several years ago, and I will comment that first of all he raised it via his Pingala Nadi , on his own , causing him to suffer-- like in hell --for many years, before he realised his mistake that the serpent is stuck in his Manipura Chakra . He had zilch idea what happened to him.
His Kundalini dropped back to Mooladhara Chakra and then he raised it again vide the correct Sushumna Nadi but still it did NOT reach his Sahasrara chakra.
What he describes are associated with a lower Ajna Chakra. Yes, he gained some powers like gaining spontaneous fluency in several European languages etc --
-- but then this is the DIRT UNDER THE FINGERNAIL of a sage who has raised it to his Sahasrara Chakra, and has harnessed the most powerful energy source on the planet.
Note: Many people like Pandit Gopikrishna have experiences in meditation when they feel the shakti rising through the spinal cord from mooladhara to the brain. And they think WOW -- we have raised the Kundalini.
However, in most cases, this is not the awakening of kundaiini, but a release of pranic force called pranotthana. This preliminary awakening starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via pingala nadi, only partially purifying the chakras until it reaches the brain where it is usually dispersed. This experience is traumatic. In this type of awakening the experience of shakti is rarely sustained. However, it does prepare the aspirant for the eventual awakening of kundalini, which is something altogether different and more powerful. After the awakening of kundalini, the individual will never be the same again. Here there is an ascent of force accompanied by a psychic awakening which is permanently accessible. Even though it may fall back again, the potential will always be there.
"As one opens the door with a key, so the yogi should open the gate to liberation with the kundalini. The great goddess sleeps, closing with her mouth,, the opening through which one can ascend to the brahrnarandhra... to that place where there is neither pain nor suffering. The kundalini sleeps above the kanda... she gives liberation to the yogi and bondage to the fool. He who knows kundalini, knows yoga. The kundalini, it is said, is coiled like a serpent- He who can induce her to move is liberated." Hatha Yoga Pradipika v. 105-111
Mata Amritanandamayi from Kerala , India , is a one woman Kundalini clinic. She has hugged 33 million people around the world . A lot of them needed this ONE single benevolent hug to drop down their stuck Kundalinis spewing venom, back to Mooladhara Chakra , to centre them and bring peace into their heart and souls.. All Pandit Gopikrishna needed was a single grounding hug from this woman.
Turbans go way back in history as part of a spiritual practice. The top of your head is the tenth gate or the crown chakra. It is normally covered by hair that acts as antennae to protect the top of the head from sun and exposure, as well as to channel sun and vitamin D energy. Yogis or Sikhs do not cut their hair, they coil or knot it on top of head on their solar center. In men the solar center is on top of the head at the front (anterior fontanel). Women have two solar centers: one is at the center of the crown chakra, the other is on top of the head towards the back (posterior fontanel). For all, coiling or knotting the hair at the solar centers channels one’s radiant energy and helps retain a spiritual focus.
This hair knot is traditionally called the “rishi” knot. In ancient times, a rishi was someone who had the capacity to control the flow of energy and prana in the body. A “maharishi” was someone who could regulate the flow of energy in the body, meditatively and at will. The rishi knot assists in the channeling of energy in meditation (Naam Simran). If one cuts off the hair, there can be no rishi knot. By giving us the rishi knot and the turban the Guru gave us the blessing to have the capacity of a rishi.
The 10th Sikh Master, Guru Gobind Singh, taught his Sikhs to take the next step: Put a turban on the head covering the coiled, uncut hair. The pressure of the multiple wraps keeps the 26 bones of the skull in place. There are pressure points on the forehead that keep you calm and relaxed. Turbans cover the temples, which protects you from mental or psychic negativity of other people. The pressure of the turban also changes the pattern of blood flow to the brain. (These are all reasons that women should also wear turbans.) When you tie up your hair and wrap the turban around it, all the parts of your skull are pulled together and supported. You feel clarity and readiness for the day and for what may come to you from the Unknown.
God is the Unknown. He is mastery as well as mystery. Living with an awareness of your God within you and the God outside of you (God in all) is an attitude. Covering your head is an action with the attitude that there is something greater than you know. Your willingness to stand under that greatness of God is expressed by taking the highest, most visible part of you and declaring it as a place that belongs to the Creator. Covering your head is also a declaration of humility, of your surrender to God.
For many, hair is also sexually attractive. By covering our hair we can keep from stimulating the lower nature of others who are not our spouses. It is up to each of us to maintain our purity and integrity.
Wrapping a turban everyday is our declaration that this head, this mind is dedicated to our Creator. The turban becomes a flag of our consciousness as well as our crown of spiritual royalty. Wearing a turban over uncut hair is a technology of consciousness that can give you the experience of God. This experience is for all Khalsa, men and women both.
Men tie a rishi knot almost where the soft point was when he was a child. A woman’s hair is supposed to be tied exactly at the solar centers. Why? Well, she doesn’t have a beard and we never asked why. Because of the waning and waxing of the moon, she has to protect her solar centers more powerfully than the male.
The Spiritual Technology of the Turban
How does the turban work? The top of the head, the place where babies have their “soft spot,” is called the tenth gate. In yogic terms, it is also known as the crown chakra. Thousands of years ago, yogis and spiritual seekers discovered that the hair on the top of the head protects the tenth gate from sun and exposure. In addition, the hair acts as antennae, channeling the energy and life-force of the sun into the body and brain.
To amplify the effect, spiritual seekers would coil or knot their hair at the tenth gate – also called the solar center of the head. In men, the solar center is on top of the head at the front (anterior fontanel). Women have two solar centers: one is at the center of the crown chakra, the other is on top of the head towards the back (posterior fontanel). For men and women, coiling or knotting the hair at the solar centers focuses the energy and helps retain a spiritual vibration throughout the day.
This hair knot (known as the joora) is traditionally called the “rishi” knot. In ancient times, a rishi was someone who had the capacity to control the flow of energy and prana in the body. A “maharishi” was someone who could regulate the flow of energy in the body, meditatively and at will. The rishi knot assists in the channeling of energy in meditation (Naam Simran). If one cuts off the hair, there can be no rishi knot. By giving us the rishi knot and the turban, the Sikh Masters shared a very ancient technology for how an ordinary person can develop the capacity of a rishi.
The next step after tying a rishi knot is to put on a turban. The turban covers the coiled, uncut hair. The pressure of the multiple wraps keeps the 26 bones of the head in place and activates pressure points on the forehead that keep a person calm and relaxed. Turbans cover the temples, which is said to help protect a person from the mental or psychic negativity of other people. The pressure of the turban also changes the pattern of blood flow to the brain. When you tie up your hair and wrap the turban around it, all the parts of your skull are pulled together and supported. You feel clarity and readiness for the day and for what may come to you from the Unknown.
The Divine Energy that governs the Universe and guides our own life is mostly unknown to us. Living with an awareness of that Divine Energy within oneself and the entire creation allows us to live our highest potential. Wearing the turban helps us experience that Divine Energy and to remember there is something greater than what we know. It is a spiritual practice where we take the highest, most visible part of ourselves and show that it belongs to the Creator. Wearing the turban also helps cultivate a sense of surrender to the Divine.
The turban is the Guru’s gift to us. It is how we crown ourselves as people of Universal Consciousness who sit on the throne of commitment to our own higher Self. For men and women alike, this projective identity conveys royalty, grace, and uniqueness. It is a signal to others that we live in the image of Infinity and are dedicated to serving all. The turban represents complete commitment.
As far as the forehead bone, the sinus bones or the frontal bone is considered they are porous because it functions to transmit light to the Pineal gland in the brain during night time while sleeping. This porous bone system helps in receiving energy only in night while sleeping.
The porous nature causes brain energy to drain during day time under gravitational pressure of Earth System. So once this delicate balance of constant charging during night and discharging during day-time is lost, the Human Aura Energy and personality starts degrading.
The porous nature causes brain energy to drain during day time under gravitational pressure of Earth System. So once this delicate balance of constant charging during night and discharging during day-time is lost, the Human Aura Energy and personality starts degrading.
The forehead structure specially frontal bone is divided into two parts as represented by 3 lines shown above:
Part 1: one is convex structure
Part 2: other part is concave structure
The part one i.e. convex shape is the part of forehead hemispherical structure which is part of the forehead. This hemispherical part carries most of the Pranic energy and helps brain perform its functions.
First Step:
So the method to balance & preserve crown chakra energy lies in first continuously charging the brain with Pranic energy during night which happens naturally while sleeping.The second step:
It involves reducing/avoiding discharging of this Pranic energy during day time. Since the frontal bones are porous so we have to apply a material/substance to plug the pore spaces in the upper part of the forehead as highlighted in the figure above. The practice of applying Tilak (in various shapes/design) on forehead is an age old practice which uses similar method/philosophy.
Here we do not use regular materials as used in Tilak but we use few drops of lukewarm coffee droplets (use Nescafe coffee), make a thin paste on fingures and apply a small portion on the UPPER PART of the Forehead. This locks the Pranic energy & prevents escapee through Crown Chakra.
The Third step:
As explained earlier, this coffee applied on upper part of forehead needs to be cleaned with soap in the night before sleeping so as recharging mechanism of healing can work during night time.If the paste is not properly removed, Chances of a sound sleep are almost nil. It is very important to remove the coffee applied from the forehead while sleeping or lying down for recharge mechanism to function & avoid any unintended side effects.
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